Innate Brows

Booking By / Innate Brows

2015 - PhiAcademy Master - PhiBrows
2018 - PhiAcademy Master - InnateBrows (Created By Myself)
2020 - PhiAcademy Master - PhiBright
2020 - PhiAcademy Master - Powder Brows
2022 - PhiAcademy Grand Master of Honour
Thank you for your interest in signing up for Innate Brows Perfection Course with Phiacademy Grand Master of Honour Laura Ciordas.
Innate Brows is the most up to date advanced stroke pattern in the semi- permanent makeup industry created by Laura C master of the most experienced microblading academy in the world, Phiacademy.
Thanks for reading
This training is dedicated for already qualified microblading artists and dedicated for you to learn how to perfect your technique using the most innovative technique Innate Brows.
The Innate Brows pattern is very different from the classic style due to the hairs in the beginning of the brows that are drawn with soft and curved inverted movements and by adding additional small hairs to obtain a more realistic look of the eyebrows.
Every clients features are different, as well as the hair growth style of their natural brows. Asa result we must always follow the natural hairs and use the matching pattern to get the most organic look. Nowadays majority of our clients are looking to get the most natural results when opting for microblading, so for this reason it’s very important to be familiar with Innate pattern.
Regardless of trends, tastes are different and customers can choose their preferences in terms of patterns but I would definitely recommend to keep their natural hair flow and enhance it softly. Remember, “Brows must enhance, Not Dominate!” Innate Brows pattern is best for the clients who prefer a natural brows look but also for clients who want a fuller effect as we can add shading.
This pattern has been modified for many types of eyebrows and it contains different types of spine lines for you to practice and perfect.
Classic (for individuals who have naturally lots of hair and it is necessary to Soft Change for a softer look), Extreme (for clients with extreme head strokes) Asia spine (for asian types of eyebrows), Spine 6 Innate (for more defined tail of eyebrow), Spine 3 Innate (for clients with defined lower line). Mid Spine (the revolutionary spine which Grand Master of Honour Laura has implemented in Phiacademy) .
I invite you to leave your comfort zone and discover this art of microblading, this technique is easy to learn if you put enough effort and practice into it.
CraftMaster application includes videos that explain step by step how to create innate brows and how to adjust your technique to different spine directions and hair strokes flow. It has videos on live models work, lectures about skin types, skin problems and client’s consultation. There are different levels in the app which need to be passed for you to achieve your Innate Brows certificate and logo.
The online Innate Brows perfection Training is £1000 which includes 3 months Craftmaster support. I will work with you to master your technique and develop your work to a higher level. I will also be available to answer any questions/concerns you have after graduation.
If you would like to be part of this training please complete the registration details below and return them to me together with a copy of your microblading certificate.
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Telephone number: